Littering is a Crime! Pick up your trash!
I went to the park yesterday. I go most days to run on the trails. My mom always carries a “poop bag” (or two) for my “occasional spills.” On my drive to the park, I couldn’t help but notice various “human droppings” along the roadway and in the parking lots: McDonalds cups and straws, Coke cans, water bottle, thousand of cigarette butts, and even one tennis shoe (which always reminds Mom of George Carlin’s skit about “why is there always only one shoe on the road–where is the other shoe?”). Why do humans have to litter? How often do you ever see dog food cans, dog food bags, or dog toys littering the streets and parking lots? Like, never. Mom uses baby wipes following my “toilet” but, if we are out in public, she discards them into the nearest trash can, and carries the soiled ones until she finds a disposal. But that’s too much trouble for some humans–they think they are being discreet when they “place” used Pampers under their cars–and then drive off. I saw y’all. Littering is a crime. It is sad when we need an ordinance because some humans lack respect for others property, for our environment, and apparently for their own self. Use trash cans, or, keep your garbage until you get home.
Take care, y’all,
Tuck the Law Dog
Take care, y’all,
Tuck the Law Dog
Well a big GruffHello to you!! Many thanks for stopping by to see me earlier - Mummy2Legs works part time for a large multinational law firm, they would appreciate your helpful musings! Though we have not been 'here' long, we have not spotted another fabulous 4Legs imparting such helpful legal insights as you do - we look forward to hearing more from you "Tuck"...