Tuck the Law Dog

Tuck the Law Dog
Can't wait to greet you! Click me!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Criminal Trial Week

This is the start of trial week.  My Daddy was "called  in" to court this morning on a criminal case.  The case he was called in may or may not proceed to trial.  An attorney with a case on the calendar for trial must be prepared for trial.  When trial week  looms, my Daddy and Mom work very late and on weekends, and they always bring me so that I can help them prepare the case(s).  Usually, I get a new toy 'cause they feel sorry for me having to work so much! (I got a Garfield the Cat squeaky toy this time).   Criminal cases don't always go to trial--sometimes a plea is negotiated, sometimes the case is dismissed or is "Nolle Prosequi,"  which is my criminal legal term of the day:  "Nolle Prosequi" means that at this time the prosecuting officer has decided to not prosecute (or go  further) with a criminal charge(s).   So now you have a definition and have learned Latin.

Bye, ya'll,

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