Tuck the Law Dog

Tuck the Law Dog
Can't wait to greet you! Click me!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Life of a Legal Beagle

Let's make one thing clear-I'm not a beagle (at least I don't think so).   I am mostly Jack Russell and Chihauhau,
with a little bit of some other Terrier -or "terror" as my Mom likes to say!  My birthday was last Friday, and I got money from my Aunt Carol and Uncle Don and my Grammaw Betty.  I bought a stuffed wienie dog squeaky toy with some of my birthday money.  I had a white cake with colored sprinkles, but I wasn't allowed to eat the frosting---grrrrrr.   Gotta go--there's a bush with my name on it..  Waiting for 5:00! 
Take care ya'll!


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