Tuck the Law Dog

Tuck the Law Dog
Can't wait to greet you! Click me!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rabies Alert: Georgia: Gwinnett and Cherokee County

I was just watching the news about 5 minutes ago–Fox 5. There is a new rabies alert in Cherokee County, GA. A rabid raccon was found near Hightower Road in Ballground. In the past week a rabid fox was found in Gwinnet County. Make sure all you dogs have a current rabies vaccination!
Coyotes are also making the news again, although their presence has been a concern for years. Don’t let small dogs out alone from dusk to dawn — coyotes will attack. Mom has seen them in neighborhoods in daylight as well. Don’t leave food out to temp them. I have a six food stockade fence around my yard, but even so, Mom is always out there with me, as coyotes have been reported to somehow get over.
Take care ya’ll–be safe…

Tuck the Law Dog



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